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Preventative Dentistry

We get to know your teeth, personally.



Prevention of dental, oral and periodontal disease is extremely important to us all at The Courtyard Dental Practice and we advocate routine appointments to check all aspects of your mouth at regular intervals. It is better to catch a small cavity and treat very conservatively than to have to fill a large hole.

Dental hygiene includes cleaning and polishing of teeth and then deeper root cleaning. If you have a gum problem and see bleeding when you clean, then your teeth and gums may need very regular treatment to maintain gum health. Dental hygiene is very important as it has been linked to diabetes and heart conditions. Lot of different cleaning products can be purchased from the surgery – including recyclable brushes and bamboo handled interdental aids.

We also offer regular fluoride treatment for our younger clients in the form of a gel we apply at the practice. We see some children every two months for this.  Disclosing tablets are available from reception to give a visual aide on the areas being missed during cleaning.

To make a Preventative Dentistry appointment...

or to find out more about our services, or to come and visit our surgery, please call, email or contact us here:

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